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Save Active Datasets

After cleaning and wrangling your data, you can save the active datasets from your session to reuse or resume later.


Saving only the active datasets does not include the charts or models created in your session, only the datasets used to create them.

save workflow

Multiple Datasets

To save all active datasets in your session:

  1. Click Save in the skill menu.

  2. Select Active datasets in the folder.

  3. Enter a name for the folder.

  4. Click Submit.

    save datasets form

This saves your active datasets in a folder under My Work on the homepage. These datasets can then be refreshed and edited or loaded into a new session.

Singular Datasets

Alternatively, you can save a single active dataset:

  1. Click Save As in the header of the dataset you'd like to save.

    save as table header

  2. Enter a name for the dataset.

  3. Click Save As.

    name dataset

This saves the active dataset under its new name on the homepage. This dataset can then be refreshed and edited or loaded into a new session.
