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Release Notes

We regularly release new versions of DataChat to bring you new features, fix issues, and more.

July 1, 2024

New Features

You can now:

  • Train clustering models directly within BigQuery.
  • Login password-free to DataChat.

This release also includes the following improvements:

  • The Data Assistant now supports a wider range of datetime formats for extraction.
  • Enhanced keyword filtering functionality in the Data Assistant.
  • The model evaluation metric has been updated from Silhouette Score to Davies-Bouldin Index.
  • Improved fuzzy matching capabilities in the Data Assistant.
  • Deleting users through the management portal now removes all associated objects.

Deprecated Functionality

  • The Publication Library feature has been deprecated and removed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing occasional long query request times in the Data Assistant.
  • Resolved problems with queries involving "matching digit values" or "match semantic substring."
  • Addressed sticky scrolling issues in the Database Browser.
  • Fixed failures when creating new columns using date values.
  • Corrected issues preventing some users from sharing charts from the Data Assistant.
  • Restored support for mode, median, count, and percentile aggregates for SQL Server.
  • Fixed failures when joining tables after connecting to a BigQuery database.
  • Fixed unexpected errors when using customizations in the Chart Builder.
  • Fixed failures with Compute involving column headers containing both alpha and numeric characters.
  • Corrected issues where clicks within some dropdown menus wouldn't register.
  • Fixed an issue where some bar charts did not start on the first X-axis data point.
  • Resolved loading failures for data from Snowflake connections with all lowercase column names.
  • Fixed failures when creating columns by concatenation in the Data Assistant.
  • Addressed several issues related to using skills with a MySQL connection, including Sort and Describe.
  • Fixed failures when asking questions on pivot tables created by the Data Assistant.
  • Corrected failures in Visualize when generating charts requiring binning in the Data Assistant.
  • Fixed issues loading Excel files exported from SAP.
  • Fixed failures when creating columns from a time delta while connected to a SQL Server database.
  • Addressed incorrect negative root mean squared model scores.
  • Fixed errors when filtering a chart with an expression.
  • Resolved issues where binning a column on a SQL Server database increased the number of rows.
  • Fixed failures when creating new window columns connected to a SQL Server database.
  • Corrected display issues for keeping rows based on date.

June 3, 2024

New Features

You can now:

  • Plot histograms using the Data Assistant.
  • Round values to the nearest whole number using the Data Assistant.
  • Take action on homepage objects in bulk.
  • Use Show me something interesting within the Data Assistant.
  • Train models directly in BigQuery.
  • Paste in the Workflow Editor.
  • Turn off public links if you are using a hosted version of DataChat.
  • Connect to MySQL databases using a connection string.

This release also includes the following improvements:

  • Chart tooltips are now scrollable.
  • You can now see a summary of both the row count and column count in the header of a dataset.
  • The Data Assistant now suggests questions when a dataset is loaded.
  • Added pagination to the Database Browser.
  • Column counts are now displayed.

Deprecated Functionality

  • The Dataset Builder has been deprecated.
  • The Number of Bins to Use for Target Column field in the Advanced Options section of the Train Model form has been removed.
  • Minimizing charts has been deprecated.

Bug Fixes

  • Datasets would "load" indefinitely if they had only one column and that column was dropped.
  • Add a column using a time delta wouldn't work on BigQuery.
  • Show me something interesting would occasionally use a non-numeric column as the KPI variable for pivot tables.
  • Adding a chart or table to an Insights Board using the Publication Library would fail.

May 6, 2024

New Features

You can now:

  • Remove Duplicates using the Data Assistant.
  • Sort charts in the Chart tab.
  • Display table explanations in the Data Assistant.
  • Add an aggregate slice size value to donut charts.
  • Apply the Count of Records aggregation to all chart types that accept column aggregations.
  • Use the None aggregation on Donut charts.
  • View in-app tutorials for common actions.
  • Cancel a skill before it finishes running.
  • Select and deselect all available datasets when loading in a session.

This release also includes the following improvements:

  • Currently active datasets are automatically moved to the top of the dataset list in the Data tab.
  • Big Query Databases have been renamed to Datasets.
  • Improved response time when cancelling a long-running skill.
  • New users now open DataChat with only the demo datasets.

Deprecated Functionality

  • The data assistant's histogram plotting feature is currently disabled, but this is only a temporary measure.

Bug Fixes

  • Creating a new column with Text on a Presto database would fail.
  • Users could submit charts with incomplete fields.
  • Visualize would allow users to select columns from inactive datasets, causing sessions to crash.
  • Clicking the link to view a candidate model's pipeline report would fail.
  • Binning a column would sometimes create non-integer binned column.

April 6, 2024

New Features

You can now:

  • Remove Duplicates from the Wrangle section of the skill menu.
  • Add a column using a time delta.
  • Add a column using a temporal expression.
  • Preview and edit a publication's workflow.
  • Hover each tab in a session to preview the tab's contents.

This release also includes the following improvements:

  • Enhanced UI in the Data Assistant to handle long dataset names.
  • Data Assistant now handles the Split skill.
  • Data Assistant now handles the Clean skill.
  • Larger default column widths.
  • Cancelling Data Assistant questions are now available after querying for more than 1 second.
  • Saved snapshots now automatically save the specified datasets to a folder.
  • Column types are now denoted next to the column name.

Bug Fixes

  • Extracting datetime columns with Extract would fail.
  • Occasionally, multi-select charts experienced failure when users selected the first two options from the Required dropdown menu.
  • Reuploading a deleted file would sometimes prompt the user to replace the existing file despite already being deleted.
  • Navigating to an Insights Board directly after publishing would fail.
  • Replaying a workflow would sometime fail to generate plots.
  • Cleaning a column by replacing NULL values with an aggregation would sometimes cause an error.
  • Some Databricks connections would fail to load data.
  • The Data Assistant would occasionally report an incorrect chart type.
  • The Keep Rows skill would use multiple datasets instead of only the one in focus.
  • Training a linear regression model would occasionally fail.
  • Creating a new column with Text on a Presto database would fail.
  • Users could submit charts with incomplete fields.
  • Visualize would allow users to select columns from inactive datasets, causing sessions to crash.
  • Clicking the link to view a candidate model's pipeline report would fail.
  • Binning a column would sometimes create non-integer binned column.

Other Notes

  • Reduced Data Assistant hallucinations.
  • Chart Builder default functionality changes:
    • Changes the default aggregation for bubble and scatter charts to Count or Average depending on the column type.
    • When changing to Violin, Boxplot, or Donut, the Data Sample is set to 5000.

March 8, 2024

DataChat has introduced a comprehensive overhaul of the session UI, aimed at seamlessly integrating the previous "DataGrid" and "Ava Conversations" functionalities into a unified interface, enhancing the data analysis workflow.

New Features

  • The session interface has undergone significant refinement to consolidate previous conversations and sessions, providing users with a unified display. Notable UI enhancements include the addition of:
    • Data tab
    • Chart tab
    • Data Assistant tab
    • New Skill menu
  • The renaming of "Recipes" to "Workflows"
  • Transitioning "Ava" and "Ask" functionalities into the "Data Assistant"
  • You can now quickly generate insights on your data with Show me something interesting. See more information here.
  • Datasets can now be hidden from the session view for better organization.
  • You can now add charts and datasets generated by the Data Assistant directly to your Data tab or Chart tab.
  • Charts now offer visibility into the underlying dataset used for their creation.
  • When saving a session as a workflow, you can now selectively include either the entire session or exclusively the generated and modified datasets.

This release also includes the following improvements:

  • Optimized display for tablet/mobile screens.
  • Implementation of more informative error messaging.

Deprecated Functionality

  • The Display skill.
  • DataChat tours.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Keep Rows and Drop Rows based on a condition for date and timestamp columns would fail.