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Edit Workflows

Edit a Workflow

The Editor allows you to edit and test your workflows.

Open the Editor

From the homepage, navigate to either My Work or Workflows, then:

  1. Select the workflow to edit.
  2. Click Edit Workflow. Optionally, you can also use the right-click menu.

edit workflow

This opens the workflow in the Editor.

workflow editor

Edit Steps

With the Editor open, you can use the steps on the left side to make changes to your workflow. You can:

  • Change pieces of individual steps, such as values or column names.
  • Add or remove steps.
  • Manage workflow versions.
  • Save the workflow as a new workflow with a different name.

Add or Remove Steps

To add a step:

  1. Create an empty line. Click anywhere in a line and press Enter to create a new line below. Click at the front of a line and press Enter to create a new line above.
  2. Enter the the new step you'd like to add to your workflow.

add lines

To delete a step:

  1. Use the checkbox to select the lines that you'd like to delete.
  2. Click the Cut button.

delete lines

You can also select the entire step and delete it.

Add Comments

To add a comment:

  1. Create an empty line. Click anywhere in a line and press Enter to create a new line below. Click at the front of a line and press Enter to create a new line above.
  2. Enter a comment.
  3. Select the checkbox on your new line and click Comment in the sidebar. Or, prepend your comment with "--".


Comments are colored green.

Undo or Redo Edits

To undo an edit, click Command + Z.

To redo an edit, click Shift + Command + Z.


Changes cannot be undone or redone if the step that the change targets has been replayed.

Verify Edited Workflows

When you've finished making changes, click Restart to verify the workflow.

If a workflow is verified, a green check appears to the left of the workflow name. If you edit a verified workflow, the workflow changes to unverified, and the green check changes to a red icon.

If no errors are encountered, the workflow is automatically verified and saved.

restart workflow

If one of the edits introduces an error, the replay will stop and highlight in red the line that contains an error. Edit the workflow and click Restart or Continue.

restart workflow


Workflows that haven't been verified in the Editor before (such as older workflows) are marked as unverified when they're next opened in the Editor.

Manage Workflow Versions

When you save a workflow with the same name as an existing workflow, or make a change and save it, a new version of that workflow is created. To review previous versions or revert back to a previous version in the Editor:

  1. Click Versions to view each version of the workflow.
  2. Hover the row of the version you'd like to revert and click Restore as latest version of the workflow.
  3. Optionally, you can instead click the row for the version you want to review or revert to. The contents of that version appear in the the Editor.
  4. Make the desired edits or reversions to the selected version.
  5. Click Restore to make this version the most recent version, or click Save As to save this version as a new workflow. Give your new workflow a name, then click Submit.

version history

Share, Delete, or Rename a Workflow

To share, delete, or rename a workflow, see DataChat Objects
