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Run lets you run dimension reduction to transform your data from a high-dimensional space into a low-dimensional space while retaining meaningful properties of the original data.


Run uses a single format: Run dimensional reduction with <method> extracting <number> components (excluding | using) <columns> setting identifier as <target>, setting miminum distance as <distance>.


Run uses the following parameters:

  • method (required). The dimensional reduction method to use, selectable between PCA and UMAP.
  • number (required). The number of components to extract.
  • columns (required). The columns to exclude or include in the extraction.
  • target (optional). The column to set the identifier as. This column persists in the resulting dataset.
  • distance (optional). The value to set the minimum distance to. This parameter aids in balancing the preservation of local and global structures in the data.


If the dimensional reduction is successful, a new dataset appears in the Data tab. A corresponding chart also appears in the Chart tab that explains the variance ratio. Otherwise, an error message is shown in the conversation history.


To dimensionally reduce a dataset called Heart_Health, enter Run dimensional reducation with PCA extracting 3 components using BMI, Sex, AgeCategory setting idetifier as HeartDisease
