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Change lets you modify a column's type (such as an integer or string column) or how the values in a column are shown (such as currency or percentages). Note that not all values can be converted to a different type. For example, a string with non-numeric characters can't be changed to an integer.


Change has several formats:

  • Change the type of the column <column> to <type>
  • Change the display type of the column <column> to <display type> in the dataset <dataset>

You can include multiple columns separated by commas:

  • Change the type of the column <column one> to <type one>, <column two> to <type two>, ... <column N> to <type N>


Change uses the following parameters:

  • column (required). The name of the column to modify.
  • type (required). The type to change the values of the column to. The options include:
    • Boolean
    • Date
    • Float
    • Integer
    • Interval
    • None. The default type.
    • String
    • Time
    • Timestamp
  • display type (required). The display type to change the values of the column to. The options include:
    • Comma Separated Float
    • Comma Separated Int
    • Dollar Sign
    • None. The default type.
    • Percent Sign
  • dataset (required). The dataset that contains the column you want to modify.


If the column's type or display type is successfully changed, a success message appears in the conversation history and the updated values appear in the column. Otherwise, an error message appears.


To change string columns in a dataset, enter: Change the type of the column PhoneNumber to Integer, FirstContact to Timestamp, Purchased to Boolean.

To change the display type of a float column called "Price" to use a dollar sign, enter: Change the display type of the column Price to Dollar Sign in the dataset <dataset name>.