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The Sort skill lets you sort your dataset based on one or more columns.


Sort uses a single format: Sort the current dataset on the columns <sorting columns> in (ascending | descending) order.


Sort uses a single parameter:

  • sorting columns (required). A comma-separated list of columns to sort by.


If the dataset is successfully sorted, the sorted dataset is shown in the Data tab and a success message is shown in the conversation history.

Otherwise, an error message is shown in the conversation history.


Consider a dataset called “Titanic” that contains information on each passenger, including the following columns:

  • Age. Their age.
  • Gender. Their gender.
  • Name. Their name.
  • PClass. Their class.
  • Cabin. The passenger’s cabin ID.
  • Survived. Whether they survived the disaster.

To sort the dataset by the Age column so that the oldest passengers appear first, enter Sort the current dataset on the columns Age in descending order.
