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Replay lets you replay a saved recipe in your current session. This can be especially helpful for running complicated recipes against fresh data without needing to run each step manually.


Replay uses a single format: Replay the recipe <recipe name> <one step at a time>.


Replay uses two parameters:

  • Recipe name (required). The name of recipe to replay.
  • One step at a time (optional). If this parameter is used, Replay pauses the recipe after each step. Otherwise, each step is run as soon as the previous step finishes.


If the recipe is found and replayed successfully, each step is listed in the conversation history and the result of each step is shown in the Data tab.

If the recipe isn't found or a step fails, the platform returns an error message.


To replay a recipe named "Calculate Average Sales" that's already been saved in DataChat, enter Replay the recipe Calculate Average Sales.

To replay a recipe named "Calculate average sales" that's already been saved in DataChat step-by-step, enter Replay the recipe Calculate Average Sales one step at a time.
