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Schedule is considered legacy and is no longer actively maintained.

The Schedule skill lets you create an Insights Board refresh or recipe replay that runs on given days and at given times.


Schedule uses the following formats:

  • Schedule the insights board refresh for <board> on <days> at <time> <timezone>


Schedule uses the following parameters:

  • board (required). The Insights Board associated with the refresh.
  • days (required). The days on which the refresh should run.
  • time (required). The time at which the refresh should run.
  • time zone (required). The time zone in which the refresh should run.


If the refresh is successfully scheduled, a success message is shown in the conversation history. Otherwise, an error message is shown.


To schedule the Quarterly Sales Insights Board to refresh on Mondays at 7AM CST, enter Schedule the insights board refresh for Quarterly Sales on Mondays at 0700 CST.