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Export lets you download saved workflows and your current workflow as files on to your local machine.


Export has several formats:

  • Export the current recipe to <file name>. Saves your current workflow as a .dcw file on your machine.
  • Export the saved recipe <recipe name> to <file name>. Saves a previously-saved workflow to a .dcw file on your machine.


Export uses the following parameters:

  • file name (optional). The name of your new file. Note that you don't need to specify the file's extension.
  • recipe name (required). The name of the workflow to export.


If the workflow is successfully saved, the file appears in whichever location you've specified on your machine for downloads and a success message appears in the conversation history. Otherwise, an error message appears.


To export your current workflow to a .dcw file called "Latestworkflow," enter Export the current recipe to Latestrecipe.

To export a saved workflow called "MarketingAnalysisV2" to a file called "Sample", enter Export the saved recipe MarketingAnalysisV2 to Sample.
