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Export is considered legacy and is no longer actively maintained.

Export lets you download saved workflows and your current workflow as files on to your local machine.


Export has several formats:

  • Export the current recipe to <file name>. Saves your current workflow as a .dcw file on your machine.
  • Export the saved recipe <recipe name> to <file name>. Saves a previously-saved workflow to a .dcw file on your machine.


Export uses the following parameters:

  • file name (optional). The name of your new file. Note that you don't need to specify the file's extension.
  • recipe name (required). The name of the workflow to export.


If the workflow is successfully saved, the file appears in whichever location you've specified on your machine for downloads and a success message appears in the conversation history. Otherwise, an error message appears.


To export your current workflow to a .dcw file called "Latestworkflow," enter Export the current recipe to Latestrecipe.

To export a saved workflow called "MarketingAnalysisV2" to a file called "Sample", enter Export the saved recipe MarketingAnalysisV2 to Sample.